Organisations, pledge support for high-quality rshe

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A partnership between Brook and Sex Education Forum

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Why we are seeking your support

RSHE was made a mandatory topic in 2017 with mass cross-party support. In 2019, 538 MPs voted in favour of the statutory guidance: guidance that was informed by, and had widespread support from, organisations across health, education, safeguarding and faith groups.

The draft revised RSHE guidance was published on 16 May 2024. This draft is not underpinned by research or evidence and fails to acknowledge what children and young people tell us they want and need. Should the proposals go ahead, this guidance would create a culture of fear and stigma around key topics that are intrinsic to the comprehensive relationships and sex education needed to keep children and young people safe and healthy.

High-quality RSHE is needed now more than ever

The need for inclusive, high-quality RSHE has not gone away. Many of the problems it addresses have become more acute including safeguarding children online and off; young people’s poor mental and sexual health; exposure to extreme pornography; misogyny, sexual bullying and harassment; and increasing threats to LGBT+ people. 

Children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world. The evidence is clear that good RSHE is vital to keep them safe, healthy and thriving.

High-quality RSHE is:

It safeguards children in today’s digital era. It helps them to understand healthy relationships and consent, recognise abuse and ask for help; and reduces gender-based violence.

It is sequenced to prepare children and young people as they move through puberty, adolescence and into adulthood. It is responsive to the questions children ask, and to current and emerging issues.

It celebrates diversity and is relevant to all students, including those who are disabled and neurodivergent, LGBT+, and from a range of cultural and faith backgrounds.

It is informed by research and by children and young people’s experiences, and delivers scientifically accurate information from reliable sources.

It celebrates healthy relationships, not just addressing risk and harm. It engages with boys and young men and helps young people to aspire to relationships that are supportive, caring and pleasurable.

Alongside developing essential knowledge, it facilitates open discussion and plays a vital role in helping children develop crucial life skills.

It is taught by trained, well supported teachers and specialists. 

It involves parents and carers who are informed about the development of the curriculum, and consulted to ensure RSHE meets the needs of families.

Find out more about the evidence for inclusive RSHE

What needs to happen next to improve the quality of RSHE?

Investment in training for teachers through initial teacher training and continuing professional development is vital. Teachers who are trained, skilled and knowledgeable will be the key to significant improvement in the quality and consistency of RSHE.

The revised guidance should support schools to:

  • Continue and complete the implementation of a comprehensive RSHE curriculum
  • Focus on the development of inter-personal skills from early years alongside RSHE knowledge
  • Use evidence – school level, local and national data, and consultation with young people – to inform the timing and sequencing of the RSHE curriculum
  • Make best use of external resources and organisations to complement in-school expertise 
  • Improve involvement of parents and carers
  • Ensure RSHE is inclusive of, and relevant to, all children from all families

Ways to get involved

1. Sign our online pledge

We [name of organisation] stand up for high-quality, inclusive Relationships Sex and Health Education (RSHE) that empowers children and young people to thrive. 

We stand for RSHE that is:  

  • Protective – keeping children and young people safe in today’s digital era 
  • Developmentally appropriateand responsive to the questions children ask, and to current and emerging issues 
  • Empowering – celebrating healthy relationships, not just addressing risk and harm 
  • Inclusive – Relevant to all students and reflective of the whole community 
  • Evidence-based – informed by research and by children and young people’s experiences 
  • Effective focusing on life skills and open discussion as well as factual knowledge 
  • Professional – taught by trained teachers and supported by specialists 
  • Engaged with parents and carers – to ensure RSE meets the needs of families

Pledge your support

Join the 148 organisations that have pledged their support

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2. Share this page

Share your support on social media using the hashtag #RSHEpledge

Post examples

We [name of organisation] stand for RSHE that is: Protective; Developmentally appropriate; Empowering; Inclusive; Evidence-based; Effective; Taught by trained teachers; Engaged with parents & carers.  Pledge to support high-quality RSHE today: #RSHEPledge

We [name of organisation] stand up for high-quality, inclusive Relationships, Sex & Health Education (RSHE) that empowers children and young people to thrive. Sign the @BrookCharity & @sex_ed_forum #RSHEPledge to help protect RSHE in schools!


148 organisations have pledged their support

Our supporters include:

Reproductive Justice Initiative logo
Amnesty International UK logo
Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
National Education Union
Plan International UK
Association of Young People's Health
Superdrug logo
Association of School and Collage Leaders
Period Positive
National Association of Headteachers
MSI Reproductive Choice
English HIV and Sexual Health Commissioners Group
The Eve Appeal
Coram Life Education
Make it Mandatory
Going Off The Rails
End Violence Against Women
It Happens Education
Free 2 B Alliance
Sarah PSHE
Sexpression UK
University of Bedfordshire Teenage Pregnancy Knowledge Exchange
You Before Two
Chameleon PDE
The Alice Ruggles Trust
Cambridgeshire PSHE Service
Boarding Schools Association
Outspoken Sex Ed
Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning
School of Sexuality Education
Festival of the Girl
Humanists UK
Metro: Embrace difference logo
PSHE Association logo
Spectra logo: Peer services, improved lives
The Survivors Trust logo
Terrence Higgins Trust logo
Stonewall logo
Life Support Productions logo
BodySense Logo
The Resisterhood Consultancy logo
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Herpes Virus Association
Vanessa Rogers logo
Rabbits Relationships and Sex Education Ltd
Engendering change logo
Global Equality Collective
Schools Consent Project logo
Family Links logo: The Centre for Emotional Health
Yoan Reed logo: Teaching Lifeskills
Bold voices logo
Admin by Amari logo: Virtual assistant
Timbrell Education logo: Training and Consultancy
Find The Glow logo
Health & Wellbeing in Schools logo: PSHE Education Consultancy
Young Hounslow Sexual Health logo
LVA Trust logo: Loved, valued, able
Beyond Equality logo
Moulsford logo
Talk Consent logo: "Education to End Sexual Violence"
Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse logo
lil-lets logo
Doctors for Choice UK logo
Abortion talk logo
Sex Ed Book Club logo
Vicky Stubbs logo
Young Minds logo
Colourful Peach logo
Cwmni Addysg Rhyw - Sex Education Company
Young Person's Advisory Service logo
Sexual Health Dorset logo
Worth Educating logo
Space Youth Project LGBT+ logo
Inkluder logo
Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists logo
Pasante logo
insti logo
CoppaFeel! logo
Vicky Stubbs logo
Streetwise young people's project logo
Kindling logo
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